HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief Review - The Best Solution for Cat's Urinary-tract Issues


In this comprehensive Amazon affiliate product review, we will be taking an in-depth look at the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief. This cat supplement is designed to gently and naturally support upper and lower urinary-tract health in cats, helping to relieve troublesome urinary-tract issues such as burning or unwanted urination. With safe ingredients and no known side effects, this homeopathic urinary support is suitable for cats of all ages. We will explore its features, ease of use, customer reviews, and more to help you make an informed purchasing decision.

Product Description

The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief is a cat supplement designed to help relieve troublesome urinary-tract issues in cats. If your cat is experiencing problems like burning or unwanted urination, this gentle and natural supplement may provide the support they need.

One of the key features of this product is its safe and gentle formulation. Made from natural ingredients, this homeopathic urinary support for cats is a safe option for addressing urinary-tract issues. It is well tolerated by cats of all ages and has no known side effects, making it a reliable choice for pet owners.

Another important feature is the ease of use. The supplement can be dosed directly into your cat's mouth, added to their water, or given during meal or snack time. The recommended dosage is three times per day until symptoms improve, and then it can be decreased to twice per day.

The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief is created by Daniel H. Farrington and his veterinarian brother, Thomas Farrington. Their goal is to provide high-quality, safe, natural, and affordable treatments and supplements for pets worldwide.

With over 13,000 customer ratings and an average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, this supplement has been well-received by cat owners. Many customers have reported positive results and improvements in their cat's urinary-tract health after using this product.

In conclusion, the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief is a reliable and safe option for cats experiencing urinary-tract issues. Its natural ingredients, ease of use, and positive customer reviews make it a valuable choice for pet owners looking to support their cat's urinary-tract health.

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Pros and Cons

When it comes to finding relief and support for your cat's urinary tract issues, the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief is a popular choice among cat owners. This product has received positive feedback from buyers, with many praising its effectiveness and ease of use. However, there are also a few drawbacks to consider. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus.


  1. Effective Relief: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus has been proven effective in providing relief for cats experiencing urinary tract issues. Many buyers have reported significant improvements in their cats' symptoms after using this product. Some even noticed an increase in urination within just 24 hours.

  2. Easy to Administer: Administering medication to cats can often be a hassle, but the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus makes it a breeze. The liquid formula allows for easy mixing with wet food, and many cat owners have mentioned that their feline companions didn't even notice or care about the addition. This makes it convenient for pet owners who struggle with giving their cats oral medication.

  3. Cost-effective Alternative: For cat owners looking for a cost-effective alternative to veterinary treatments, the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus is worth considering. Priced at $14.99, this product offers a more affordable option compared to expensive vet visits. Many buyers have found that using this product saved them hundreds of dollars in veterinary bills.


  1. Taste Preference: While the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus is generally well-received, there have been a few instances where cats did not like the taste of the medication. Some cats refused to go near it, which made it difficult for their owners to administer the product. It's important to note that individual cats may have different taste preferences.

  2. Limited Quantity: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus comes in a 15 milliliter bottle, which may not be sufficient for long-term use or for households with multiple cats. Depending on the severity of your cat's urinary tract issues, you may need to purchase multiple bottles to ensure an adequate supply.

  3. Homeopathic Approach: While many buyers have found success with the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus, it's important to remember that it is a homeopathic remedy. Some pet owners may prefer traditional veterinary treatments or have reservations about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. It's always recommended to consult with a veterinarian before relying solely on alternative methods.

In conclusion, the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus offers effective relief and support for cats with urinary tract issues. Its ease of use and cost-effectiveness make it a popular choice among cat owners. However, individual cat preferences, limited quantity, and the homeopathic approach may be potential drawbacks to consider. Before making a decision, it's best to consult with your veterinarian to ensure the best course of treatment for your furry friend.

Customer Reviews

The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief has received a total of 13,387 ratings from customers on Amazon, with an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars. This indicates that the majority of customers have had a positive experience with this product. Let's take a closer look at what some of the customers had to say:

  • One customer mentioned that their 10-month-old male Manx cat was experiencing restlessness and urinating outside the litter box. After using this product, they noticed a significant improvement in their cat's behavior, stating, "I have a 10 month old male Manx cat, who all of a sudden was very restless and started peeing everywhere. Not a lot at a time, but just little puddles...".

  • Another customer appreciated the ease of use, mentioning that their cat didn't even notice the product in their food, saying, "Easy to use. My cat doesn’t seem to notice or care that I drop these in his wet food everyday and it took the problems away".

  • A customer with a female cat mentioned that the product provided immediate relief and they continue to use it regularly, stating, "Helped my female cat almost immediately and now i use regularly added to food".

  • One customer was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of this homeopathic remedy, remarking, "This medicine is magical, i could see an increase in urination in 24 hours. He didn’t even know it was in his food. it saved me from having to take my...".

  • However, it's worth noting that not all cats may be receptive to the taste of this product. One customer mentioned that their cat refused to go near it, saying, "I want to say I was happy with this product but my cat doesn't like it. So defeats the purpose. She won't even go near it. Maybe make it more flavorfu...".

  • Another customer, who was initially skeptical about homeopathy, decided to give this product a try and was pleasantly surprised by the results, stating, "I am not a big homeopathy believer. I did not think this would work but 15 dollars to save 300 at the vet, I figured it's worth a shot. I could tell t...".

  • Finally, a customer shared their experience of needing alternative methods for their cat's recurring issues, saying, "This isn’t me saying to used this instead of a vet but I have found myself in a position where I needed alternative methods for my cats reoccurring is...".

Overall, the customer reviews for the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief are mostly positive, with many customers praising its effectiveness and ease of use. However, it's important to keep in mind that individual results may vary, and it's always recommended to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.


The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief is a safe and effective solution for cats experiencing urinary-tract issues. With its gentle and natural ingredients, this cat supplement provides support for both upper and lower urinary-tract health, helping to relieve problems like burning or unwanted urination.

One of the standout features of this product is its safety. Made from safe homeopathic ingredients, there are no known side effects, making it suitable for cats of all ages. The ease of use is another advantage, as it can be administered directly into the cat's mouth, added to their water, or mixed with their meals or snacks.

The feedback from buyers further confirms the effectiveness of this product. Many customers have reported positive results, with their cats experiencing relief from urinary-tract issues. The quick response time and regular use of this supplement have shown promising results.

In conclusion, the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief is a reliable and safe solution for cats suffering from urinary-tract issues. Its natural ingredients, ease of use, and positive customer feedback make it a worthwhile investment for pet owners. If you're looking for a gentle and effective urinary-tract support for your cat, this product is definitely worth considering.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and concerns about the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus Urinary-Tract Relief:

Q: How does the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus work?

A: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus is a homeopathic formula designed to provide relief and support for cats with urinary tract issues. It contains natural ingredients that help to soothe and heal the urinary tract, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy urinary function.

Q: How do I administer the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus to my cat?

A: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus comes in liquid form and can be easily administered to your cat. Simply add the recommended dosage to your cat's food or water. The formula is tasteless and odorless, so your cat won't even notice it.

Q: How long does it take for the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus to work?

A: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus is designed to provide fast-acting relief for cats with urinary tract issues. Many cat owners have reported seeing improvements in their cat's condition within 24 hours of starting the treatment. However, the exact time it takes for the formula to work may vary depending on the severity of your cat's condition.

Q: Can I use the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus as a preventive measure?

A: Yes, the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus can be used as a preventive measure to support your cat's urinary tract health. Adding the formula to your cat's regular diet can help to maintain a healthy urinary system and reduce the risk of urinary tract issues.

Q: Are there any side effects or contraindications with the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus?

A: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus is a natural and safe formula that is generally well-tolerated by cats. However, as with any medication or supplement, there is a possibility of individual sensitivities or allergies. If you notice any unusual reactions or if your cat's condition worsens, it is advisable to consult with your veterinarian.

Q: Can I use the HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus alongside other medications?

A: The HomeoPet Feline UTI Plus is a homeopathic formula that is safe to use alongside other medications. However, it is always recommended to consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment or combining medications to ensure the best possible outcome for your cat's health.

Remember to always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment or health regimen for your cat. They will be able to provide you with personalized advice and guidance based on your cat's specific needs and condition.

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